Alternate name:
Playa Vaca
Exploring, Beachcombing, Swimming, Wading in Tidal Pools
Light golden soft sand
No people means very little trash, except what washes up from storms
Perfectly clear Caribbean blue
We’ve been told by some old-timers that this beach was called Playa Vieja, so that’s what we’re going with. It is just past Punta Vaca (Cow Point) so we’re leaving Playa Vaca as it’s alternate name. It’s almost always deserted because it’s so far out, but it’s not as deserted as it was when we used to hike the 1 1/2 miles each way from the Sugar Mill ruins through the jungle. Now, the road is open and is in decent shape.
The beach itself is a natural beauty, nicer even than Playa Grande in our opinion. Beautiful blue water, great beachcombing, coconut trees and rocks to climb, tidal pools to explore, the fun goes on and on. It may require some significant scrambling and rock climbing, but you could conceivably continue walking this beach and climbing the rocks to the west, eventually ending up at Punta Arenas 3-4 miles away around the western end of the island. I would only recommend that for serious explorers who know how to put their own safety first.